Up one level Albums » DEBCAR0409 Albums » Part 6

Part 6
Santa Cruz, San Jose

P9182827 Santa Cruz Surfing Museum

Santa Cruz Surfing Museum

P9182831 Santa Cruz surfer in action

Santa Cruz surfer in action

P9182830 Rules of surfing according to surf legend Sam Reid posted near the spot

Rules of surfing according to surf legend Sam Reid posted near the spot

P9182820 Standalone door to confuse the tourists

Standalone door to confuse the tourists

P9182835 Toy-Yoda, get it?

Toy-Yoda, get it?

P9182845 World's lamest Monopoly board

World's lamest Monopoly board

P9182857 San Jose Art Car show

San Jose Art Car show

P9182838 Tricked out MR2

Tricked out MR2

P9182839 Good use of trendy see-thru side panels

Good use of trendy see-thru side panels

P9182840 Handy keyboard on glove box cover

Handy keyboard on glove box cover

P9182841 Chips and circuits join the illogical bird badge on the hood

Chips and circuits join the illogical bird badge on the hood

P9182843 Gotta keep the trailing edge cool!

Gotta keep the trailing edge cool!

P9182842 Hyperbolic combobulator ducting to engine

Hyperbolic combobulator ducting to engine

P9182844 Surfer deathmobile

Surfer deathmobile

P9182848 Michelin man and his model

Michelin man and his model

P9182849 Good use of a Volvo wagon

Good use of a Volvo wagon

P9182856 Highly detailed reptilian truck

Highly detailed reptilian truck

P9182850 Debbie peers over from behind

Debbie peers over from behind

P9182851 Think this guy's Scottish or something?

Think this guy's Scottish or something?

P9182853 Flat black deathmobile

Flat black deathmobile

P9182858 Scaly car covered with (mostly) AOL CDROMs

Scaly car covered with (mostly) AOL CDROMs

P9182860 Downtown Salinas at sunset

Downtown Salinas at sunset

This photo gallery is associated with the DEBCAR RV travel website at www.debcar.com